Mighty Party Wiki

Boost, or Boosting, is a function that grants temporary levels to a Hero in exchange for Soul Dust Soul Dust. Boost is unlocked at League 23 and is available from the Hero Panel.

Boosts tab


The base cost of Boosting varies depending on hero Rarity and Level. There is no limit to boosting other than availability of Soul Dust Soul Dust, however each Boost will cost 4x the Soul Dust Soul Dust used for the prior boost for each activation on the same Hero. Boosting lasts for 24 hours except during Global Events , during which they last 48 hours and may cost less Soul Dust Soul Dust (Up to 50% for event featured heroes). Applying another boost to an already boosted hero will refresh the duration of all boosts currently affecting that hero. The Guild Bonus Masterful Enchantment can also be activated to reduce the cost for boosting.

The base amount of Soul Dust Soul Dust to boost each level and rarity of hero
Rarity Lvl 1-5 Lvl 6-10 Lvl 11-15 Lvl 16-20 Lvl 21-26
Common Common 6 Soul Dust 10 Soul Dust 18 Soul Dust 37 Soul Dust 85 Soul Dust
Rare Rare 10 Soul Dust 17 Soul Dust 37 Soul Dust 78 Soul Dust 140 Soul Dust
Epic Epic 30 Soul Dust 40 Soul Dust 75 Soul Dust 115 Soul Dust 175 Soul Dust
Legendary Legendary 100 Soul Dust 110 Soul Dust 138 Soul Dust 173 Soul Dust 220 Soul Dust


Hero Souls can also be Sacrificed for Soul Dust Soul Dust. The amount of Soul Dust Soul Dust gained is based on the hero's Rarity:

Soul Dust gained by sacrificing based on rarity
Rarity Amount Gained
Soul Dust Soul Dust
Common 500 Common 10 Soul Dust
Rare 200 Rare 10 Soul Dust
Epic 50Epic 10 Soul Dust
Legendary 10 Legendary 10 Soul Dust