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High Growth picture

The High Growth Event rewards Gems Gems for reaching tiers of Hero level ups while High Growth is active, and is the main source of free Gems Gems. High Growth becomes available when Events are unlocked at League 22, but will only appear after the Starter Global Event First Blood is completed.

High Growth occurs every 2 weeks along with Desired Wealth and Hot Gifts on Tuesday 10:00 UTC for 3 days until Friday 10:00 UTC.

The next High Growth is expected to occur on:

High Growth consists of 9 tiers of rewards, the last of which is repeatable.

High Growth Tiers
Quest Tier Level Ups Reward Ratio Total
Level Ups
Ratio of
the Total
1 3 25Gem 8.333 3 25Gem 8.333
2 5 45Gem 9 8 70Gem 8.750
3 8 70Gem 8.750 16 140Gem 8.750
4 10 90Gem 9 26 230Gem 8.846
5 15 135Gem 9 41 365Gem 8.902
6 20 180Gem 9 61 545Gem 8.934
7 25 225Gem 9 86 770Gem 8.953
8 30 270Gem 9 116 1040Gem 8.966
45 270Gem 6 161+ 1310+Gem 8.137-


  • Aim to reach Tier 8 every High Growth, as that is the tier at which the most Gems Gems can be obtained per level-up
  • Activate the Guild Bonus “Cheap Upgrades”, which reduces level-up gold costs by 10% to 36% based on the level of your Guild
  • Each reward tier is for a specific number of level-ups. Exceeding this number does not carry over to the next reward tier. Be sure to collect each reward as it unlocks in order not to waste any level-ups
  • Reborning a hero resets them to level 1, which can be an additional source of cheap level-ups
  • Warlords and Pets level-ups count towards tier progression
  • Since the event lasts for 3 days, wait until the last day in case the Crisis Event appears which decreases level-up costs by 14% or 18% depending on Maximum League


Mighty Bot[]

A Discord Bot "Mighty Bot" which contains many useful tools for Mighty Party, including High Growth calculations can be found on the official Discord server. In order to use the bot for High Growth, an account must be registered with the Bot using the !register <PROFILEID> command where <PROFILEID> is the 6 character ID found in the player profile. Once registration is complete, the command !hg becomes available which will return the following table:

Mighty Party High Growth Result
Picture 2: Mighty Bot High Growth information in the Mighty Party discord
  • Available Level Ups: How many times the account is able to level-up one of their heroes
  • Estimated Cost: The cost in Gold to perform all of the available level-ups
  • Additional Troops: How many troops the account will gain for completing all of the level-ups
  • Reward Gems: The number of gems which can be earned by collecting them from the HG Fable each time a new reward tier is achieved
  • Spare Level Ups: How many level-ups will remain after the final HG reward tier is collected
  • Next Tier: How many more level-ups would be required to reach the nest HG reward tier

The bot can also be invited to any server you have Administrative or Manage Server permissions on using the following link: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=557650964887240724&scope=bot

The default command prefix for Mighty Bot is --. To change this, use the prefix command. The bot will also recognize commands that @mention it.
The bot requires, at minimum, the following permissions to work properly:
View Channels
Send Messages
Embed Links
Read Message History
The following permissions are needed for additional functionality:
Manage Channels
Manage Roles
Manage Nicknames
Attach Files
Add Reactions
Use External Emoji
Manage Messages
The bot is always being improved. Check the latest updates with the about command.
Suggest and view suggestions to the bot with the botsuggest and botissues commands.


One more good tool for calculating the number of level-ups for your cards. Convenient and with pictures. There is a possibility of fine-tuning. Developed by the players Elwood and Jimboblion. The application is absolutely free and without ads. The usage guide is located inside the application. Available in the Play Market: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BadGraphic.CardsLevelUpCalculatorforMightyParty and for Windows: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EqvXwi2IsdMmlap_yicUBv6tcKgqwyaT/view?usp=sharing. Now version 1.5.4
Legendary Cards in CLUCforMP
Picture 3: Example of displaying legendary cards in CLUCforMP
Result of Calculation
Picture 4: Example of displaying results of calculations in CLUCforMP
