Mighty Party Wiki

In addition to participation in Turf Wars, Guild also allow access to Guild Bonuses. Guild bonuses can be purchased by clicking on the BONUSES icon on the Guild page. Bonuses are available to all members of a guild, and are purchased and activated individually per member.

Purchasing and Activating Bonuses[]


Each bonus tile has information about the bonus. The number on each bonus is the level of the bonus, with each level increasing the effectiveness of the bonus. If the number has a green arrow, they can be upgraded to the next level by the Guild Master or Guild Officers. The colors of each bonus shows what actions are available:

  • Bonuses in Grey are unavailable either because they require a previous unlock or a higher guild level.
  • Bonuses in Blue are available to unlock using Influence Influence.
  • Bonuses in Green are available to activate by any guild member using Contribution Contribution.
  • Bonuses in Yellow are currently active, and will display a countdown until the bonus effect expires.

Bonus effects will immediately end if the player leaves or is kicked from the guild. If a player frequently changes guilds (more than once in 2 weeks), bonuses will become unavailable for up to 5 days depending on new guild's turf war tier/level.

List of Bonuses[]

There are a total of 28 bonuses unlocked in sequence. Most bonuses have a maximum level of 12, and will stack multiplicatively with similar bonuses.

Name Effect Level Bonus Contribution Activation Cost Required Guild Level Influence Unlock Cost
Day Week
Blessing of Midas
Blessing of Midas
+?Gold Gold for victory in PvP battles 1 15% 450 2000 1 0
2 20% 460 2030 2 1500
3 25% 470 2060 5 4200
4 30% 490 2100 7 11600
5 40% 500 2140 9 31700
6 50% 510 2190 11 86500
7 60% 530 2250 13 235700
8 70% 550 2320 15 641900
9 80% 570 2400 17 1747700
10 90% 590 2500 19 4758300
11 100% 630 2620 21 6357000
12 110% 650 2760 23 8250500
Power of Light
Power of Light
+?Atk Atk to your Order Order Heroes 1 3 560 2500 1 0
2 4 570 2530 2 1575
3 5 580 2560 5 4500
4 6 590 2600 7 12200
5 7 600 2640 9 33300
6 8 610 2690 11 90900
7 9 620 2750 13 247500
8 10 640 2820 15 674000
9 11 660 2900 17 1835100
10 12 680 3000 19 4996300
11 13 710 3120 21 6940000
12 14 740 3260 23 8372000
Divine Protection
Divine Protection
+?HP HP to your Order Order Heroes 1 6 560 2500 2 900
2 8 570 2530 3 2500
3 10 580 2560 6 7000
4 12 590 2600 8 19200
5 14 600 2640 10 52400
6 16 610 2690 12 142800
7 18 620 2750 14 389000
8 20 640 2820 16 1059200
9 22 660 2900 18 2883800
10 24 680 3000 20 7851200
11 26 710 3120 22 8771000
12 28 740 3260 24 9772000
Servants of Light
Servants of Light
Melee Melee Order Order Heroes get new skill:
Block ?Block
1 3 890 4000 5 5000
2 4 900 4030 7 14400
3 6 910 4060 9 41500
4 8 920 4100 11 119400
5 10 930 4140 13 344000
6 12 940 4190 15 990700
7 14 950 4250 17 2883800
8 17 970 4320 19 4758300
9 20 990 4400 21 7851200
10 24 1010 4500 22 8954500
11 28 1040 4620 23 9375000
12 33 1070 4760 24 9968600
Divine Retribution
Divine Retribution
Ranged Ranged Order Order Heroes get new skill:
Pierce ?Damage
1 3 1220 5500 7 16800
2 4 1230 5530 9 47000
3 5 1240 5560 11 131700
4 6 1250 5600 13 368800
5 7 1260 5640 15 1059200
6 8 1270 5690 17 2883800
7 9 1280 5750 19 4758300
8 10 1300 5820 21 6851200
9 11 1320 5900 22 7954500
10 12 1340 6000 23 8375000
11 13 1370 6120 24 9269000
12 14 1400 6260 25 9993000
Strong Fortifications
Strong Fortifications
+?HP HP to your Building Buildings 1 10 450 2000 1 0
2 12 460 2030 2 1650
3 14 470 2060 5 4700
4 16 490 2100 7 12800
5 18 500 2140 9 34870
6 20 520 2190 11 95150
7 23 540 2250 13 259300
8 26 560 2320 15 706100
9 29 580 2400 17 1922500
10 32 600 2500 19 5234200
11 35 620 2620 21 7148000
12 39 630 2760 23 8423000
Evolve cost ? less 1 10% 450 2000 1 525
2 12% 460 2030 2 1725
3 15% 470 2060 5 4900
4 18% 490 2100 7 13400
5 20% 500 2140 9 36500
6 22% 520 2190 11 99500
7 25% 540 2250 13 271100
8 28% 560 2320 15 738200
9 30% 580 2400 17 2009900
10 33% 600 2500 19 5472100
11 36% 620 2620 21 7205000
12 39% 630 2760 23 8514000
Royal Defense
Royal Defense
+?HP HP to your Warlord 1 10 780 3500 1 550
2 15 790 3530 2 1800
3 20 800 3560 5 5100
4 25 810 3600 7 14000
5 30 820 3640 9 38100
6 35 830 3690 11 103800
7 40 850 3750 13 282900
8 45 870 3820 15 770300
9 50 890 3900 17 2097300
10 55 910 4000 19 5710000
11 60 940 4120 21 7342600
12 65 970 4260 23 8576000
Long Live to the King
Long Live to the King
+? level to your Warlord 1 1 1670 7500 8 19200
2 3 1780 8000 14 1059200
3 5 1890 8500 20 6375000
4 7 2000 9000 25 10000000
5 - - - - -
6 - - - - -
7 - - - - -
8 - - - - -
9 - - - - -
10 - - - - -
11 - - - - -
12 - - - - -
Natural Protection
Natural Protection
+?HP HPto your Nature Nature Heroes 1 6 560 2500 1 575
2 8 570 2530 2 1875
3 10 580 2560 6 5250
4 12 590 2600 8 14500
5 14 600 2640 10 39700
6 16 610 2690 12 108200
7 18 620 2750 14 294700
8 20 640 2820 16 802400
9 22 660 2900 18 2184700
10 24 680 3000 20 5947900
11 26 710 3120 22 7390000
12 28 740 3260 24 8637000
Wrath of Nature
Wrath of Nature
+?Atk Atkto your Nature Nature Heroes 1 3 560 2500 2 900
2 4 570 2530 3 2500
3 5 580 2560 6 7000
4 6 590 2600 8 19200
5 7 600 2640 10 52400
6 8 610 2690 12 142800
7 9 620 2750 14 389000
8 10 640 2820 16 1059200
9 11 660 2900 18 2883800
10 12 680 3000 20 7851200
11 13 710 3120 22 8771000
12 14 740 3260 24 9772000
Natural Armor
Natural Armor
Melee Melee Nature Nature Heroes get new skill:
Spikes Spikes ?Damage
1 4 890 4000 5 5000
2 6 900 4030 7 14400
3 8 910 4060 9 41500
4 10 920 4100 11 119400
5 12 930 4140 13 344000
6 14 940 4190 15 990700
7 17 950 4250 17 2883800
8 20 970 4320 19 4758300
9 23 990 4400 21 7851200
10 27 1010 4500 22 8954500
11 31 1040 4620 23 9375000
12 36 1070 4760 24 9968600
Ranged Ranged Nature Nature Heroes get new skill:
Attack: enemy gets Poisoning Poisoning ?
1 5 1220 5500 7 16800
2 7 1230 5530 9 47000
3 9 1240 5560 11 131700
4 11 1250 5600 13 368800
5 13 1260 5640 15 1059200
6 16 1270 5690 17 2883800
7 19 1280 5750 19 4758300
8 23 1300 5820 21 6851200
9 27 1320 5900 22 7954500
10 30 1340 6000 23 8375000
11 33 1370 6120 24 9269000
12 37 1400 6260 25 9993000
Time Loop
Time Loop
Chests are unlocked by ? faster 1 10% 450 2000 1 600
2 12% 460 2030 3 1950
3 15% 470 2060 5 5500
4 18% 490 2100 7 15100
5 20% 500 2140 9 41300
6 22% 520 2190 11 112500
7 25% 540 2250 13 306500
8 28% 560 2320 15 834500
9 30% 580 2400 17 2272100
10 33% 600 2500 19 6185800
11 36% 620 2620 21 7438000
12 39% 630 2760 23 8705000
Skilful Parry
Skilful Parry
+?HP HP to your Melee Melee Heroes 1 6 780 3500 1 625
2 8 790 3530 3 2025
3 10 800 3560 6 5700
4 12 810 3600 8 15700
5 14 820 3640 10 42800
6 16 830 3690 12 116800
7 18 850 3750 14 318200
8 20 870 3820 16 866600
9 22 890 3900 18 2359400
10 24 910 4000 20 6423800
11 26 940 4120 22 7486000
12 28 970 4260 24 8787000
Devil's Vitality
Devil's Vitality
+?HP HP to your Chaos Chaos Heroes 1 6 560 2500 1 650
2 8 570 2530 3 2100
3 10 580 2560 6 5900
4 12 590 2600 8 16300
5 14 600 2640 10 44400
6 16 610 2690 12 121100
7 18 620 2750 14 330000
8 20 640 2820 16 898700
9 22 660 2900 18 2446800
10 24 680 3000 20 6661700
11 26 710 3120 22 7533000
12 28 740 3260 24 8848000
Total Annihilation
Total Annihilation
+?Atk Atk to your Chaos Chaos Heroes 1 3 560 2500 2 900
2 4 570 2530 3 2500
3 5 580 2560 6 7000
4 6 590 2600 8 19200
5 7 600 2640 10 52400
6 8 610 2690 12 142800
7 9 620 2750 14 389000
8 10 640 2820 16 1059200
9 11 660 2900 18 2883800
10 12 680 3000 20 7851200
11 13 710 3120 22 8771000
12 14 740 3260 24 9772000
Power Abduction
Power Abduction
Ranged Ranged Chaos Chaos Heroes get new skill:
Attack: steals ?Atk
1 4 890 4000 5 5000
2 6 900 4030 7 14400
3 8 910 4060 9 41500
4 10 920 4100 11 119400
5 12 930 4140 13 344000
6 15 940 4190 15 990700
7 18 950 4250 17 2883800
8 21 970 4320 19 4758300
9 25 990 4400 21 7851200
10 30 1010 4500 22 8954500
11 35 1040 4620 23 9375000
12 40 1070 4760 24 9968600
Blessing of Vlad
Blessing of Vlad
Melee Melee Chaos Chaos Heroes get new skill:
Vampirism Vampirism ?HP
1 4 1220 5500 7 16800
2 6 1230 5530 9 47000
3 8 1240 5560 11 131700
4 10 1250 5600 13 368800
5 1 1260 5640 15 1059200
6 15 1270 5690 17 2883800
7 18 1280 5750 19 4758300
8 21 1300 5820 21 6851200
9 25 1320 5900 22 7954500
10 30 1340 6000 23 8375000
11 35 1370 6120 24 9269000
12 40 1400 6260 25 9993000
All Building Buildings get new skill:
Death: ?Damage to enemy Warlord
1 10 450 2000 1 675
2 12 460 2030 3 2175
3 15 470 2060 6 6100
4 18 490 2100 8 16900
5 22 500 2140 10 46000
6 26 520 2190 12 125500
7 32 540 2250 14 341800
8 38 560 2320 16 930800
9 44 580 2400 18 2534200
10 54 600 2500 20 6899600
11 68 620 2620 22 7630700
12 82 630 2760 24 8891000
Cheap Upgrades
Cheap Upgrades
Heroes' Level-up cost ? less gold 1 10% 670 3000 1 800
2 12% 680 3030 4 2550
3 14% 690 3060 6 7200
4 16% 700 3100 8 19800
5 18% 710 3140 10 53900
6 20% 720 3190 12 147100
7 22% 730 3250 14 400700
8 25% 750 3320 16 1091300
9 27% 770 3400 18 2971100
10 30% 790 3500 20 6932000
11 33% 820 3620 22 7698000
12 36% 850 3760 24 8935100
Skilful Fencing
Skilful Fencing
+?Atk Atk to your Melee Melee Heroes 1 3 890 4000 1 725
2 4 900 4030 4 2325
3 5 910 4060 6 6600
4 6 920 4100 8 18000
5 7 930 4140 10 49200
6 8 940 4190 12 134100
7 9 950 4250 14 365400
8 10 970 4320 16 995000
9 11 990 4400 18 2709000
10 12 1010 4500 20 7105000
11 13 1040 4620 22 7735800
12 14 1070 4760 24 8976400
Healers' Help
Healers' Help
Melee Melee Heroes get new skill:
Regeneration Regeneration +?HP
1 4 1220 5500 7 16800
2 5 1230 5530 9 47000
3 7 1240 5560 11 131700
4 9 1250 5600 13 368800
5 11 1260 5640 15 1059200
6 13 1270 5690 17 2883800
7 16 1280 5750 19 4758300
8 19 1300 5820 21 6851200
9 23 1320 5900 22 7954500
10 27 1340 6000 23 8375000
11 31 1370 6120 24 9269000
12 35 1400 6260 25 9993000
+?Atk Atk to your Ranged Ranged Heroes 1 3 780 3500 1 750
2 4 790 3530 4 2400
3 5 800 3560 6 6800
4 6 810 3600 8 18600
5 7 820 3640 10 50800
6 8 830 3690 12 138400
7 9 850 3750 14 377200
8 10 870 3820 16 1027100
9 11 890 3900 18 2796400
10 12 910 4000 20 7173300
11 13 940 4120 22 7783400
12 14 970 4260 24 9019100
Intensive Training
Intensive Training
+?HP HP to your Ranged Ranged Heroes 1 8 890 4000 7 11600
2 10 900 4030 9 31700
3 12 910 4060 11 86500
4 15 920 4100 13 235700
5 18 930 4140 15 641900
6 21 940 4190 17 1747700
7 24 950 4250 19 4758300
8 27 970 4320 21 7851200
9 31 990 4400 22 8554500
10 35 1010 4500 23 8975000
11 39 1040 4620 24 9369000
12 43 1070 4760 25 99990000
Rapture of Death
Rapture of Death
Ranged Ranged Heroes get new skill:
Kill: +?Atk Atk himself
1 5 1220 5500 7 31700
2 7 1230 5530 9 86500
3 9 1240 5560 11 235700
4 11 1250 5600 13 641900
5 13 1260 5640 15 1747700
6 16 1270 5690 17 2883800
7 19 1280 5750 19 4758300
8 23 1300 5820 21 7851200
9 27 1320 5900 22 8954500
10 31 1340 6000 23 9375000
11 35 1370 6120 24 9769000
12 39 1400 6260 25 10000000
Building Buildings get new skill:
+?Atk Atk to all allies
1 5 560 2500 1 775
2 6 570 2530 4 2475
3 8 580 2560 6 7000
4 10 590 2600 8 19200
5 12 600 2640 10 52400
6 14 610 2690 12 142800
7 17 620 2750 14 389000
8 20 640 2820 16 1059200
9 23 660 2900 18 2883800
10 27 680 3000 20 7241200
11 31 710 3120 22 7811000
12 36 740 3260 24 9082000
Masterful Enchantment
Masterful Enchantment
Hero's Boost costs ? less 1 10% 450 2000 1 700
2 12% 460 2030 4 2250
3 14% 470 2060 6 6300
4 16% 490 2100 8 17400
5 18% 500 2140 10 47600
6 20% 520 2190 12 129800
7 22% 540 2250 14 353600
8 25% 560 2320 16 962900
9 27% 580 2400 18 2621600
10 30% 600 2500 20 7137500
11 33% 620 2620 22 8428000
12 36% 630 2760 24 9583800