Mighty Party Wiki

Wild Tamer is a Epic Nature Card.

It has the base stats of 6 Attack and 9 Health at level 1 and the following skills:

Template:Buff ATK +(X)Template:ATK to herself for each ally

Template:Spikes Start of Turn: Gives Template:Spikes (X) to random ally

The leveling costs are as defined in the leveling cost page, "Epic" column.

Stats by Level

Level Might Template:ATK Template:HP Skills
1 200 6 9 3,2
6 350 10 14 5,3
11 550 16 26 8,4
16 900 27 41 12,8
21 1600 44 66 22,12
26 2400 66 98 34,20

The skills are listed as s1, s2, etc. Use the following substitutions to get the actual value at a given level

Template:Buff ATK +(s1)Template:ATK to herself for each ally

Template:Spikes Start of Turn: Gives Template:Spikes (s2) to random ally


Required cards Required Levels Cost Bonus given

Tesla Tower

Level 3 14 Template:Pal Points +3Template:HP

Soul Hunter
Lady Clair

Level 6 20 Template:Pal Points +4Template:HP

Caesar's Head
Blood Lord

Level 8 24 Template:Pal Points +3​Template:ATK

Dead Lord

Level 5 28 Template:Pal Points +4Template:ATK


Required Level First Bonus Second Bonus
I 6 +2Template:ATK +3Template:HP
II 11 +2 skill 1 bonus +6Template:HP
III 16 +4 skill 2 bonus +11Template:HP
IV 21 +8 skill 1 bonus +21Template:HP
V 26 +15 skill 1 bonus +43Template:HP


Evolve Souls cost Souls gain
Draggara 20 1

You can also sacrifice 5 souls to gain 10 Template:Gold Dust.
